Baked Ham With Pineapple Sauce Recipe

?Baked ham with pineapple sauce is a dish that is typically made with a ham that has been baked in an oven. The ham is then covered in a pineapple sauce, which can be made from scratch or from a store-bought variety. This dish is often served during the holidays, but can be enjoyed year-round.

 1 whole ham, shank, or picnic
 1 cup stock from the pan combined with pineapple juice
 ½ cup brown sugar
 ½ teaspoon dissolved dry mustard
 1 can pineapple chunks
 1 tablespoon cornstarch


Blanche ham in boiling water for 2 minutes to eliminate some of the salt. Rinse in cold water and in a covered roasting pan cook for about 25 minutes at 325 degrees. Allow to cool before slicing. For sauce, heat stock and pineapple juice on top of stove, mix brown sugar and dry mustard with the stock stirring constantly. Add cornstarch dissolved into a paste to thicken. Add pineapple chunks.