DIY Rice Milk Recipe

Rice milk is a smooth and sweet drink that’s easy to adjust to your own tastes. You’ll nd there are many versions of rice milk, but this is the easiest way to make it.

 1 cup white rice
 5 1/2 cups water, divide
 1 teaspoon honey
 ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract


Place rinsed rice into a bowl and cover with 1½ cups of water. Allow to soak overnight.


Drain the water from rice. Put the rice and the remaining 4 cups of water into a blender and pulse for 1 to 2 minutes. Place a sieve lined with cheesecloth over a bowl and strain the mixture through the cloth. Squeeze the cloth to get as much liquid out as possible.


Mix honey and vanilla extract into milk and place into mason jars or a pitcher, allowing it to chill until ready to serve.


Rice milk will keep in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.