Escargots À L’Amour – Love Snails Recipe

?Escargots à l'amour, or love snails, is a dish made with snails in a garlic-parsley butter sauce. It is a classic French dish that is often served as an appetizer.

 2448 snails
 2 medium-sized tomatoes
 1 green bell pepper
 2550 grams celery
 50 grams butter
 2 garlic cloves
 0.20 grams saffron
 and sage


Proceed as follows:


Remove the skin and seeds from the tomatoes


Remove the seeds from one green bell pepper.


Chop the tomatoes and the bell pepper, together with a piece of celery, coarsely, using a food processor for 5 seconds.


Melt the butter, add two pressed garlic cloves, saffron and generous pinches of thyme, sage and salt to the melted butter


Let stand for a few minutes, then add the chopped vegetables.


Place 24-48 snails (depending on size) in special snail porcelain ramekins with handles or simply in two individual gratin dishes and cover with the butter-vegetable mixture.


Cook in the preheated oven (500 oF, 260 oC) for 10 minutes or until the vegetables begin to turn slightly brownish.


Serve together with a baguette type bread and a glass of Chablis