Fido’S Favorite Treats Recipe

?There is no one Fido's Favorite Treats recipe because all dogs have different preferences. However, some popular dog treat flavors include peanut butter, bacon, and chicken. You can find many easy recipes for dog treats online or in pet cookbooks.

 1 c Uncooked Oatmeal
 1 ts Bouillon Granules
 ¾ c Powdered milk
 1 Egg, Beaten
  c Margerine
 1 1/2 c Hot Water
 ¾ c Cornmeal
 3 c Whole Wheat Flour


In a large bowl pour hot water over oatmeal, margerine, and bouillon granules: let stand 5 minutes. Stir in powdered milk, cornmeal and egg. Add flour, 1/2 cup at a time, mixing well after each addition. Knead 3 to 4 minutes, adding more flour if necessary to make a very stiff dough. Pat or roll dough to 1/2 inch thikness. Cut into bone shapes and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 50 minutes. Allow to cool and dry out until hard. Makes approximately 1 3/4 pounds.