Hashed Leftovers – Pyttipanna Recipe

?Hashed leftovers - pyttipanna is a dish made from leftover vegetables and potatoes, typically fried together in a pan. The name comes from the Swedish words pytt (small pieces) and panna (pan).

 700 grammes (1 1/2 lbs) finely diced potatoes (raw or cooked)
 250 grammes (1/2 lb) finely chopped onions
 250500 grammes (1/2-1 lb) finely diced meat left-overs
 oil (for frying)


Proceed as follows:


Sautee the chopped onion in some olive oil until golden.


Fry the potato dices in some olive oil until properly cooked (or heat the dices made of cooked potatoes briefly).


Fry the meat dices (or heat the already cooked meat briefly).


Mix potato, onion and meat