Irish Stew Recipe

?A traditional Irish stew is made with lamb or mutton, potatoes, carrots, onions, and parsley.

 2 1/2 lb boned mutton
 4 large potatoes
 2 large onions
 3 or 4 medium carrots
 of parsley
 2 cups water
 and pepper


Cut the meat into good size chunks. Peel the vegetables and slice thickly. Chop the parsley. Choose a pot with a well-fitting lid and put in the ingredients in layers, starting and finishing with potatoes. Pour in the water and season to taste. Cover and put on a very low heat for about 2 1/2 hours until the meat is tender and the potatoes have thickened the liquid. The dish may also be made with lamb, in which case it requires only 1 1/2 hours cooking time.