Lamb With Peppers Recipe

?Lamb with peppers is a popular recipe that can be made with a variety of different ingredients. The most common ingredients used in this dish are lamb, peppers, and onions. Other ingredients that are often used in this dish include garlic, tomatoes, and spices. This dish is often served with rice or pasta.

 of lamb (boned and cubed) ΒΌ kg.
 sliced 500 gms.
 Mushroom 250 gms.
 each of green, red and yellow peppers(capsicums)
 stock 150 gms.
 for frying
 to taste
 to taste
 cream 150 ml
 finely chopped 1 tbsp.


1.Fry the lamb in a saucepan in a small quantity of oil until brown on all sides. Add the onions and fry until soft.


2.Add the peppers, mushrooms, stock and seasoning and bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 45 mins. or till lamb is cooked.


3.Swirl the sour cream over the top and sprinkle with parsley and serve


NOTE: To get 1 cup Sour Cream, take 7/8th cup of plain yogurt and add 3 tbsps. of melted butter to it.