Lime-Grilled Pork Chops Recipe

?Lime-grilled pork chops are a type of pork chop dish wherein the pork chops are marinated in lime juice and then grilled. This dish is often served with a side of rice and beans.

 4 thick pork chops, about 2 pounds
 ½ cup fresh lime juice
 1 teaspoon ground coriander
 1 teaspoon chili powder
 ½ teaspoon turmeric
  cup fruit chutney, homemade or purchased
 2 to 3 tablespoons cider vinegar or raspberry vinegar
 1 lime, sliced, for garnish, optional


1. Trim fat from pork chops. Score edges to prevent curling while grilling. Place chops into a shallow glass or plastic container.


2. Combine lime juice, coriander, chili powder and turmeric. Pour over the chops. Turn chops over to coat evenly.


3. Cover. Marinate for 3 hours or overnight.


4. Preheat barbecue, and when coals have a light coating of ash, place chops on the grill.


5. Grill 18 to 20 minutes, basting with the marinade and turning chops over to keep from burning until done to your liking.


6. Put chutney into a blender. Add vinegar; process until smooth.


7. Brush chops during last few minutes of grilling with the chutney mixture.


8. Serve immediately.


Tips: You may marinate the chops as long as overnight, but no longer than 48 hours or they will have an overly strong lime flavor.


Good served with: Rice, green salad, French bread.