Molasses Cake Recipe

?Molasses cake is a cake made with molasses, a thick dark syrup made from sugar cane or sugar beets. It is often spiced with ginger, cinnamon, or other spices.

 1 C. sugar
 ½ C. lard or butter
 1 C. dark molasses or sorghum
 2 eggs
 ½ t. salt
 ½ t. nutmeg
 ½ t. cloves
 1 t. cinnamon
 3 3/4 C. flour
 ¾ C. rich sour milk
 1 t. soda dissolved in sour milk
 peel from 3 oranges


Mix as usual. Bake in slow oven from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Spread with butter when serving. Excellent with cheese spread