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Pigeons Al Chipotle Recipe

Yields1 ServingPrep Time10 minsCook Time1 hr 10 minsTotal Time1 hr 20 mins

?Pigeons Al Chipotle is a traditional Mexican dish made with pigeon meat. The dish is usually made with a red or green mole sauce, and often served with rice and beans.

 6 pigeons
 2 chipotle chilis in vinegar
 ½ onion, chopped up
 2 garlic cloves
 3 tomatoes
 2 cups of pulque or beer
 1 handful cebollitas de cambray
 of the following spices: oregano, mint, epazote, cilantro or parsley

Wash and clean the pigeons. Dry them. Fry them in oil until golden. Remove from oil.


Liquify the tomato with the chipotle chili, onion and garlic. Fry until the flavor peaks and add the pulque or beer, spices and cebollitas.


Put the pigeons in a pot and cook on medium heat until tender (approximately 30 minutes). Add salt and serve.