Roast Pork Recipe

There is no one "roast pork recipe." Pork can be roasted in a variety of ways, depending on the preferences of the cook. Some people like to roast pork with a sweet glaze, while others prefer a savory rub. The cooking time and temperature will also vary depending on the size and cut of the pork.

 6 lb Pork loin
 1 x Flour
 1 x Salt
 2 ea Onion, thinly sliced
 1 ts Ginger


Wipe meat with wet cloth and season well with salt


Dredge with flour and place in roasting pan in a hot oven (400-F) untilmeat is brown.


Reduce heat to 350-F and roast for three hours.


Add 1 cuphot water and the sliced onions after the first hour and baste every 15minutes.


When roast is finished, remove to hot platter and to the liquid inthe pan add 2 Tbsp flour, stirring until blended.


Pour in 1 1/2 cups ofwater and cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is thick.


Serve as agravy.