Sauce Espagnole Recipe

?Sauce Espagnole is a classic French sauce made with a brown roux, tomatoes, and beef or veal stock. It is often used as a base for other sauces or as a flavoring for stews and braises.

 4 ounces onions, diced
 2 ounces carrots, diced
 2 ounces celery, diced
 2 ounces oil
 2 ounces tomato paste
 5 pints brown stock
 6 ounces blond roux
 3 or 4 parsley stems, chopped
 ½ teaspoon thyme leaves
 1 bay leaf
 ½ teaspoon cracked black peppercorns
 1 clove garlic, crushed
 above ingredients are placed into a 4" square of cheesecloth and tied into a sack.


Brown the onions in the hot oil; add the rest of the mirepoix and continue to brown. Add the tomato paste and cook until it begins to brown and caramelize.


Add the stock, and bring to a simmer. Whip the roux into the stock, making sure all lumps are broken up. Return to a simmer and add the sachet.


Simmer for about 1 hour, and skim the surface if necessary. Strain the sauce through cheesecloth