Thai Pineapple Rice Recipe

?Thai pineapple rice is a sweet and savory dish made with rice, pineapple, and a variety of other ingredients. The rice is cooked in a pineapple juice and then topped with pineapple chunks, nuts, and dried fruit. It is often served as a dessert or side dish.

 1 Fresh pineapple
 2 c Cooked rice - cold
 ¼ c Baby shrimp
 1 Cooked chicken breast half
 ¼ c Diced cooked ham
 2 Green onions
 ¼ c Peas
 1 ds Rice wine


Cut chicken into bite size pieces.


Cut stem from pineapple. Cut pineapple in half. Hollow top and bottom portions of pineapple, set aside. Dice pineapple meat. Reserve 1/4 cup of pineapple meat, save remainder for another dish or dessert.


Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in wok, add rice and stir-fry a minute or two.


Add shrimp, chicken and ham, stir-fry another minute or two. Add peas, sliced green onions (use tops) and pineapple. Stir-fry another minute or two or until all is hot and well blended. Shake in a little rice wine.


While ingredients are being stir-fried, put pineapple, cut side down, over range burner to heat through. Serve rice mixture in pineapple